Become a member

One Straw is not just a charity, it’s a society where our members help steer our work. Membership helps us build a healthy and connected Sunshine Coast, a resilient and sustainable food system. Welcome!

You are the change you want to see in the world.

With you, we’re building a strong, connected local food system, that not only protects, but helps to regenerate our natural world. By joining, you’re an important part of this work! Together, we:

  • Build collective spaces, gardens, and resources
  • Teach and connect people around all aspects of food: growing, harvesting, preserving, tradition, culture, foraging, etc.
  • Work toward food equity and food justice for all
  • Advocate for & build sustainable & regenerative agriculture
  • Work toward ecological stewardship of farm lands, fisheries, forests, and watersheds
  • Support a healthy local food economy
  • Foster open communication, capacity building, and collaboration within the community

What better way to thank this beautiful place you call home?

two middle aged white women laughing together in the garden

How your membership helps this good work

1.  Grants & Advocacy

High membership shows community interest and support for our work. In essence, it’s you “vouching” for One Straw Society as a reputable organization, which matters when we apply for grants, and advocate for change!

2.  Funding

Memberships provide funding for things that support members directly, such as communication and legislative requirements, but extras also cover things that grants don’t usually cover, like insurance, technology, and admin.

3.  Your Voice

We come to you first as a part of our team for ideas and feedback on community needs and the ways we can meet those needs. This includes input on plans, fundraising, programs, connections, and more!

Member Benefits

Retailer discounts

Deals at select Sunshine Coast retailers, exclusive to active members

The inside scoop

Newsletters, news, updates, info & resources from One Straw

chat bubbles

A voice & a vote

Vote on critical changes, elect directors, & help guide our direction

Discounts with One Straw

Discounts on vendor fees at our market events & workshops


Advance notice & presales on our most popular events & programs (long table dinners, foodbox, etc.)


Connect with like-minded locals at our meetings

Member Discounts

Show your membership card for discounts at these awesome local businesses! Be sure to thank them for supporting our communities and local food security! Check back regularly for updates on discounts and seasonal specials for One Straw members!

Quality Garden & Pet

Quality Garden & Pet
10% off seedlings, seeds, and food trees

Sunshine Coast Nursery

Sunshine Coast Nursery
10% off all plants

deluxe landscape & Garden center

Deluxe Landscape
10% off all plants

Salish Soils Inc

Salish Soils
10% off soils & mulch

Halfmoon Bay Nursery Logo

Halfmoon Bay Nursery
10% off everything except soils

Eco-Freako Logo

Eco Freako Roberts Creek
10% off all Eco Freako brand items

B&K Garden & Landscape Supply logo

B&K Garden & Landscape Supply
10% off

Shaggy Jack's Food Market

Shaggy Jack’s Food Market
5% off produce & bulk dry goods


Memberships are valid for one year from the day you purchase them. They are not tied to the calendar year.

Membership cards are digital, and can be added to your cell phone’s “wallet”. Once you’ve joined as a member, you’ll get an email with a digital card attachment. Download this to your phone, and your card will always be active and ready to show to retailers! They’ll even be able to scan your QR code to confirm your membership on the spot.

If you prefer a physical card, please email our Membership Coordinator to let them know, and we’ll be happy to snail mail you a card!

All members (or representatives of family/business memberships) have the right to:

  1. receive notice of, and to attend, all General Meetings;
  2. make a motion, second a motion, debate a motion, and vote on motions;
  3. nominate other members for election as a Director;
  4. be nominated for election as a Director or vote for a Director;
  5. serve on committees of the Society;
  6. participate in the programs and initiatives of the Society

Check out our Society Bylaws for details and legal information.

Every member must uphold the constitution of the Society and must comply with the Society’s Bylaws, and the policies of the Society, and:

  1. pay the annual membership fees; and
  2. abide by Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics as adopted by the Society; and
  3. support, and not hinder the purposes, aims and objectives of the Society.

Not meeting all responsibilities as a member voids membership.

Membership fees cover the cost of membership overall: hosting Annual General Meetings; producing Annual Reports, newsletters, cards, and member materials; reporting to the BC Registrar; CRM software subscriptions; coordinating member benefits, discounts, events, etc.

Once this is covered, all remaining amounts support our charitable work in the community.

Although our low membership fees don’t really contribute much financially to our work, many members choose to sign up as a monthly donor, and every penny of this funds gardens, learning, children, connections, and food into the bellies that need it! Click here to learn how!

Many years ago, the “old” One Straw offered Lifetime Memberships for a one-time nominal fee. Many lifetimers continue to be actively involved, and we treasure these members that have been around for so long! 

We will always honour the rights and benefits of these legacy lifetime memberships, however we no longer offer them.

Why? Managing a Society and its membership is costly as a charity – reporting to the BC registrar, hosting Annual General Meetings, paying for CRM software, producing annual reports, newsletters, cards, member materials, this website, and more are expensive! Membership fees are critical to help cover these costs.

Some of our lifetime members choose to donate, and some have converted to an Annual Membership, so that they can continue to support our good work together. Thank you!

All memberships bought after 2017 are Annual Memberships.

asian woman smiling in the garden

Members are the heart of One Straw Society. 💚

Young person with an old person pouring soil for a workshop


By volunteering with us you are contributing to food security on the coast, and ensuring we can continue to do good work in the community.


With your support, we’re thinking outside the box to create bigger impacts in creative ways, change systems and policy, and feed people who need it most.

Join our team

We’re a bunch of passionate people brought together by a shared vision for a sustainable future, working to make our communities more resilient, food secure, and connected.

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