What we do
We build programs, teach, bring community together, support farm business, and fill the pantries and bellies of the Sunshine Coast with local, healthy, ethical and sustainable food!
Our community gardens
Our public farms and gardens connect community to food-growing green spaces for learning, growing, eating, events, daycamps, and more.
Year-round learning: hands-on workshops, online zoom talks, farm tours, show & tell, retreats, lectures, volunteer/mentor opportunities, and more.
Sunshine Coast Tool Library
Community-owned, shared equipment and tools for farming, gardening, food preservation, building, and creating.
Local Foodbox (CSA)
A multi-farm cooperative weekly CSA produce box that supports you, local farms, our earth, and our community’s food resiliency.
Farm-to-table dinners
7 chefs, 7 courses. Long table fine dining in the heart of the gardens, showcasing local farms & creators. A fundraiser for this passionate work in our communities.
Sunshine Coast Farm & Local Food Map
A handy digital map of farmer’s markets, farm stands, garden centres, community kitchens, and other food resources.
Food equity (support)
We build equal access into all our programs – dignified, inclusive access to subsidized or free learning opportunities & food programs. Check sign-up forms or ask for more details about programs of interest.
Research & policy
The basis of food systems work comes from understanding where we’re at, why, and the impact of policy, land use bylaws, and impact projects.
The Salmon Project
Elder-led salmon canning project: pressure canning, skill-building, story-telling, connection and reconciliation in the kitchen.
Soup Stories
Winter event series connecting generations in the kitchen, providing stigma-free food, and connecting people to solve the world’s problems.
Seedy Saturday
The Seeds of March is a whole month of Seedy Saturdays: seed exchanges, markets, plants, workshops, gathering, food, & sustainability.
Project Waterbox
Drought Crisis: A partnership of land owners with wells and water, trucks to transport it, and the gardens & crops that need it.
Kids programs
Kids are our future food producers. With our partners, Roberts Creek Childcare Society, we get to run children’s programs at the Tiny Farm
More info to come
Regional Food Systems Think Tank
Peer network and collaboration with 30+ local organizations and experts to maximize reach, capacity & impact of food systems work.
Mountain Cleanup Project
We’re tackling illegal dumping in our beloved forests by mapping and cleaning up dump sites.
The Kitchen
Coming soon
We’re building a “Creation Station” space where we – and you – can get creative in the Kitchen.
Get Involved
Anyone can become a member. You get perks such as local discounts and resources, and you get to be a part of building a resilient Sunshine Coast.